Accessing Group Reports

After you have been set up with a Group Admin Login and have set up your Group the next step is to see how you can access Group Reports

It is important to know how to make the most of the data within your account. This means that you need to know how to effectively use your Group Reports. There are a few different ways to access your Group Reports and each way takes a different angle.

In this article: 

Group Reports Using the Dashboard

The Group Reports on the Dashboard correlate to the buckets that are included on an organisation's dashboard. It also includes a table of all the Group Form Statistics.

 To access these reports: 

  1. Click on Dashboard on the left hand side of the dashboard
  • This will open up to the Dashboard Buckets | completed forms, new staff, inductions, deliveries, staff sickness, complaints, incidents.
  • These buckets will show the relevant information from all of the organisations within your group
  • You can also adjust the date range of the data that you are seeing- this can be done from the upper right hand corner    

    2.  From here you can click on Group Form Statistics 

  • In Group Form Statistics you can see the statistics for all the forms completed within your different organisations. 
  • This provides you with a birds eye view of the activity within the different accounts.
  • Clearly identify which organisations in your group haven't hit 100% on their daily forms by the red or orange squares. If they've hit 100% completion for each daily form, then the square will be green.

Group Reports Using Completed Forms

  The Group Reports that you can access using the Completed Forms tab is a valuable tool that can give you a lot of insight into the type of forms being completed across your accounts. 

To access this: 

  1. Click on the Completed Forms tab  on the left-hand side of the dashboard
  2. This will automatically open up to the Completed Forms Chart  

You can adjust:

  • time range
  • how the data is displayed 
  • what type of form data is shown

Group Reports Using the Table Analysis Section of Completed Forms

 From the Completed Forms Tab you can also access the list of all completed form reports within your different organisations. 

To access this:

  1. Click on the Table button near the top of the screen.
  2. You can view the report for the different forms by clicking on the corresponding eye icon

Group Reports for Staff Training

The final way that you can access Group Reports from your Group Admin Login is by looking at the Staff Training Record for the different Staff across the organisations in your Group.

To access this:

  1. Click on the Staff button on the left hand side of the Dashboard
  2. This allows you to see all the training down in the different organisations within your group
  3. To get a deeper look in to specific training down click on the corresponding eye icon

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