The Activity Stream

The Activity Stream is a powerful tool to monitor your teams form completion. It is important to understand what the Activity Stream is telling you!

Here are a few examples of what you may find on your Activity Stream: 

1. Form Completion | The Activity Stream is used to monitor live activity. There are a few symbols that you may see popping up: 

For each form completed you will see two pop-ups in the Activity stream: 

  • Orange Circle - This shows when a question is first answered in the form. This is used to show that activity has been made and a form has been started. 

The form will have another symbol following it showing that it's been saved, this will also have the name of who completed the form next to it. This will show whether it's: 

  • Been saved as a Draft - Orange Circle.
  • Been saved Completed - Grey Tick.

2. New Staff Member Added or Resource Completed | The activity stream shows when a new staff member is added or when a Resource has been completed. This shows up as a Green Tick. 

3. Blue Note | When a Blue Note is added this is shown up on the activity stream. It shows a blue note on the stream, when you hover over it the contents of the note appears. 

4. Corrective Action | When a Corrective Action is added to a form it shows up as a clipboard icon (with the colour as set when it was created). This shows that someone has set someone a correction action to follow up on. 

5. Back Filling or Over Due Forms | If a form has been filled in late, this shows up in red. The red number shows how late the form was completed. 

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