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Verification Pack

So you've got your Verification coming up? 

There's nothing worse than having a stressful Verification day, so here are 6 easy steps to help you ease through your Verification. 

When it comes to Verification you can do one of two options: 

  • Create an External Verifier login for your Verifier to look through your Records remotely 
  • Send your Verifier your Summary Report before the Verification, then walk them through your Form Reports when they arrive on site

This article will show you how to do each option and ensure you are prepared with everything you need to know. 

Note: You will need to have a Computer or Laptop on-site for your Verification. You can not run your Verification from your Mobile device or Tablet. 

Step 1: Complete the Verification Checklist 

Make your way through our Verification Checklist and make sure you've covered all of the bases, you can either use this one here or complete it straight from the app. You can find this form in your Safe Food Pro account: 

  1. Login to the App 
  2. Click the Green Plus button (Ad Hoc Forms) 
  3. Find the Verification Checklist 

It's best to have your Administration Console open on your computer while you do this check!

Step 2: Learn how to use Form Reports 

This step is crucial! Learn how to navigate through our Form Reports. 

 I'll show you how to export your Summary Report in step 3, so let's look at your Form Reports now. 

Form Reports 

Watch this quick video on Form Reports & try it yourself... 

Form Reports give you a report on every form in your Safe Food Pro account, whether it's a Custom Built form or a Default form provided by Safe Food Pro. This is where you can walk your verifier through all of your Completed Forms: 

  1. Login to the Admin Console (Computer Login) 
  2. Go to Reports 
  3. Go to Form Reports 
  4. This will show a list of all of the Forms available in your account 
  5. Change the date range in the top right corner to load the time period you want to view 
  6. Click the green page icon next to any report to see each form that has been completed

Note: The reports page will be your best friend on verification day, you'll spend most of your time in the Form Reports page. The more you know about how reports work in Safe Food Pro the better! 

Step 3: Sending the Summary Report or Creating your Verifier a Login 

A lot of verifiers have come across Safe Food Pro and are starting to be quite a PRO. Regardless on which option you choose, you can send this article to your Verifier so they know how Safe Food Pro works on the day. 

Sending the Summary Report

Print or email your Verification Report off for your Verifier before the big day. If you have their contact details then you can send it to them before they come in, that way if they have time they can look into the report before they get to your business.

Watch this video then try have a look at your Summary Report... 

Creating a Login for your Verifier 

The Verification Report only gives you a summary of your completed forms, you could also make a Verifier login for your Verifier so they can look through your account before the Verification. To do this: 

  1. Go to My Business
  2. Click Users
  3. Add the Verifiers name, email & password
  4. Select the User Role as External Verifier

The Verifier will get an email inviting them to Safe Food Pro with a reset password link in case they want to set their own password.

Step 4: Know where your Food Control Plan is located 

Your Verifier may ask to see your Template Food Control Plan. This is stored in your Safe Food Pro account on the Resources tab on both the Mobile App & Computer Login. 

When your Verifier asks about your Template Food Control Plan you can show them two items: 

  1. Template Food Control Plan: Go to Resources and find the document called Template Food Control Plan, you can download this resource straight away to show your Verifier you have access to it at all times. 

  2. Tailored Food Control Plan: Go to My Business and go to Food Plan Details this will show your Verifier how you tailored your Digital Food Control Plan.

Step 5: Prep your Staff & Food Business 

Prep your Staff 

Make sure you and your staff know your Food Safety Processes. This is the most important step as you are the only ones who will know what you do to keep your food safe. The more knowledge you and your staff have the easier the Verification will be. 

As a minimum, the training provided should meet the requirements in the  Training and Competency section in your Food Control Plan: 

  • Cleaning hands
  • Wearing clean clothing
  • Reporting sickness
  • Dealing with food that could make people sick
  • Cleaning and sanitizing
  • Keeping foods separate in the food preparation area (including, managing allergens, keeping raw/uncooked food away from cooked food, and managing chemicals and poisons).
  • Other procedures specific to the business
  • What to do when something goes wrong.

Check through your training records and make sure you and your staff are trained in all areas above.

Prep your Food Business 

Do a sanity check of your Food Business, check the surroundings to make sure it all looks compliant e.g.

  • Everything looks clean 
  • No expired food in the Fridge/ Freezer 
  • No chipped or broken plates etc.

Step 6: 

Take a breath and let us know how you go when you are done. We love hearing the results and are more than happy to help you if you need to make any changes. 

Ps. You can also add your next verification date in your account so you can start counting down to the next one, Woohoo! 🎉

Want to know what to expect on the day? Check out our What to expect at your Verification? article

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