Your FCP and Safe Food Pro
The Food Act 2014 came into force on 1 March 2016. It applies to all new food businesses from that date and from June 2018 all existing food businesses need to comply.
The MPI Simply Safe and Suitable Template Food Control Plan (FCP) sets out what steps a business making or selling higher-risk foods needs to take to make safe food. You use it to identify risks, and to show how they're being managed. It means customers will know your food is safe – and it can help you create a successful food business.
Safe Food Pro is based on the template Simply Safe and Suitable Template Food Control Plan however as it has the ability to create customised forms it can also be used with a Custom FCP and some National Programmes.
What records do I have to keep and how long do I have to keep them?
The type of records you have to keep depend on the type of food related activities you carry out within your business. (This article will show you how Safe Food Pro helps you manage this step). All records must be written in English and be easy to read. All records must include a date and the name of the person who performed the task. The records and your plan must be kept for at least 4 years.
Does MPI endorse Safe Food Pro?
MPI does not endorse commercial products. However during the development of Safe Food Pro we worked closely with MPI and all the information included in our system comes from MPI. We are NZ compliant.
Is using Safe Food Pro App an approved method to store my records?
An app is a valid way of keeping records. MPI does not specify a method for keeping records. As long as you meet the requirements in your FCP plan and you are able to show the records to your verifier you are doing the right thing. The Safe Food Pro app just makes it easier to keep the records and ensure they are complete.
What if MPI modify the rules?
If MPI rules change and more records need to be kept we will update the forms or create new ones to reflect the changes. These will automatically be available to you and you will hear about it in our updates. Safe Food Pro is using the current Simply Safe and Suitable template - version 2 (July 2018). This is available from the Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI) here.
What is a Council Verification?
A verification is an inspection of your business. Rather than popping in to check on the premises, the verifier will now look at wider aspects of your business that relate to food safety, These areas might include; paperwork, temperature monitoring, long term maintenance plans, cleaning schedules, and staff training. At this visit, the verifier will get a better idea of how you run your business throughout the year and what systems you have in place to address food safety risks every day. Your record keeping is an important part of this process.