Creating a Custom Form

Let's build a form together! As an example, we are going to make a Monday Cleaning Checklist using all of the tools available to us. 

In this Article:

For a Deep Dive, check out our Form Building Spotlight Webinar

Form Settings: 

To do this

  1. Log into the Web Console
  2. Go to Forms
  3. Click on the Green Plus icon to create a new form
  4. Type the Form Name
  5. Choose the Form Category
  6. Go to Form Settings
  7. Add an Attribution if you want to reference a link at the top of your form
  8. Enter the email ID you want the completed form to be sent
  9. Set the Form Schedule from Daily | Weekly | Monthly or None

Form Design: 

Creating custom forms is crucial in supporting daily tasks, assessments, and record-keeping necessary for Food Safety. You can utilize the Draft Mode feature to test newly designed forms before publishing them. However, once the form is published, you cannot use the draft mode anymore.

You will need the following tools to create your custom Forms:

Question - Add question text, and an optional prompt and select your answer type. You can also make this a required question by clicking the toggle in the corner. 

Collapsible Panel - The Collapsible Panel can be used to include instructions for your team. Also, if you have a large explanation, the collapsible panel can hide or reveal it when needed.

Section Header - The Section Header enables you to segment your Form. You can also set up Repeating Sections. That means you can repeat all the questions in a Section set.

Conditional Section - The Conditional Section works on the If then logic i.e. 'if selected the right answer, then show the following section/question'. You have 3 answer types to select from: Yes/No, Check Box and Multi-choice

Instruction Text  - An instructional text allows you to include instructions for your team

Form Preview

Please Note: Form Preview feature is only available for our Premium & Enterprise Customers

The Form Previewer enables you to visualize workflows created with the form builder in the Web Console. It offers a range of question types and helps to preview how forms will appear in the app, making it easier to create custom forms.

To do this:
  1. Log in to the Web Console
  2. Go to the Forms Tab
  3. Search for the Form
  4. Click on the Pencil Icon to edit
  5. Click on the Preview Button. This will log you into the App on the Web and direct you to the relevant form
  6. View the form to ensure the workflow is based on your requirement
  7. Click on the 'X' button on top to come out of the Preview
  8. Save the form if satisfied or continue editing if required

Form Analytics

Form Analytics provides a summary of form details, including the estimated completion time, number of questions, creation & modification date, and creator & modifier information.

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